Thursday, March 7, 2013

By The Pier

This winter has brought many adventures with it. We have seen days where we only have a few inches of snow and other days where it totals 31 inches. So, needless to say it's been a fun winter. I have managed to get out as much as possible to photograph this winter wonderland here in Maine. It was on one of my adventures that I stumbled across the most beautiful sight. I couldn't help it, but I had to photograph it. You could say it was a minor obsession of mine and has been since. There is something about this landscape that caught my attention and won over my heart. It's said that you can go to a location every day and never see the same sight again. Well, I'm glad I had my camera with me and caught it at the right time. The result was photographs that make smile and think "man I love what I do!" Here are some of the ones that I got with my digital camera. The rest will come later once I scan them in. { I took a bunch with my Holga}.