Saturday, February 18, 2012

New Beginnings

It's been a while since anything has posted on here, but things have been crazy. I have been busy getting ready for my up and coming graduation. So, there has been a lot of diving head first into creating my business cards, resume, postcard and other leave behinds for my business packet. In addition to that there is the ever so important portfolio that is being pulled together. To be able to bring it to a place that I am happy with more photographs need to me made. Which brings me to my "new beginnings".

I have been experimenting with the use of the Holga in the past few months. For those of you who may not know what a Holga is, it's a medium format 120 film camera. This camera has a lot of fun quirks and serendipity to it that has made it a unique way to capture images. Some of the things it's known for is the black vignetting or image bleeding onto the border of the film, the random light leaks that you can get among other things. Honestly, the reason I initially made the switch because I was getting sick of digital. I wanted to go back to my roots, where I first started, using film. I needed a new change of pace and invested in this camera. Well, I decided to test this camera out and see what I could make with it. Who knew that I would fall in love with it so quickly. Sure, it's a simple plastic camera that can't be adjusted very much, but oh the things you can do with it. I am most interested in the double exposures and overlapping of images that you can create with this camera. It pushes me to further my creative vision and really expand my ideas. I am still getting the hang of things with the camera, but in time I hope to eventually "master" it {at least in my eyes lol}. So for the time being it's a lot of experimenting and creating some pretty crazy cool images. Upon showing some of these images, people as me why I leave the film border in the image? Well, honestly I love the look of being able to see the film border. It's not about distinguishing that these are taken with film, but more the artistic feel that they give the images. Here's a few examples of the things that I have come up with in using this camera.

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